Rivers to Ridges – Past & Future
The Rivers to Ridges Partnership is a voluntary association of 19 organizations working collaboratively to advance the protection, restoration, and management of open space resources in the southern Willamette Valley. The name Rivers to Ridges emanates from a regional open space vision which was endorsed by numerous stakeholder groups and unanimously by local elected officials from the Eugene-Springfield area in 2003.
Through the combined efforts of the Partners, a significant amount of what was envisioned in the 2003 Rivers to Ridges vision has been implemented! This includes the conservation of nearly 9,000 acres of land, construction of 57 miles of trails and paths, and restoration and enhancement of 8,800 acres of habitat. Looking toward what’s possible over the next twenty years, an update to the vision was completed in 2023.
Parks Talk Event
In our upcoming Parks Talk event, Local landscape architect Jeff Krueger will present an overview of the vision on behalf of the Partnership including the history of its development, highlight 20 years of on-the –ground accomplishment, and describe the updated 20-year regional vision. Many Rivers to Ridges Partnership staff will also be available to answer specific questions about their own ongoing efforts.
More information about River to Ridges Partnership and the vision can be found at www.rivers2ridges.org.
Ridges to Rivers Parks Talk event: Tuesday, October 29th 5.30 -7.00 pm, at The Shedd Institute. Small plates and drinks will be served.
Reserve your spots here.
Suggested support $15 per attendee.